Just a sample of the Skins Results for today's scores for every player. The results are sorted by the "Net Score" on the "Gross Skins" results, Net Skins follows the sorting of the Gross Skins (database limitation due to coding I had to write). Payouts were rounded to the nearest dollar with the highest Net Score getting deducted to make the rounding work. This is to eliminate coins in the payouts. Notice on Net Skins that the highest Net Scores were deducted by $1.00 each to even out the pot. This rewards the better scores.
For todays results I did $3.00 Gross and $3.00 Net for a $6.00 Gross/Net skins game. Regular play, Closest To Pin, and Skins play would be a $25.00 buy-in. We could increase Skins buy-in but I'm trying to make it affordable to encourage more participation. IF we start playing Skins as an additional side game and there isn't much participation then we can look at increasing the buy-in. But lets start small and see how it goes.
This is ONLY a "Skins" game sample of each players scores today. No money is owed or due to anyone!