I added another column to the "Quotas" sheet. Look to the far right and you'll see a column that is converting the last round played points (see the scores column labeled " 1 ") into "strokes". This is for those golfers who want to enter their strokes into the GHIN or just want to know their actual strokes. BUT, keep in mind the "strokes" calculation is only based on "points" and you don't get any "points" for a double bogey or worse. Therefore, you need to add a stroke to this number for each double bogey, or worse, you received. For example, lets say you scored 17 points on your last round and that converts to 90 strokes. IF you had 2 double bogeys then you would add those 2 strokes to the 90 which results to a 92 total strokes that would be entered into the GHIN. Granted the GHIN gives you the ability to enter hole-by-hole, each 9 or total. This is simply a quick reference to your total strokes.
The basic calculation for points to strokes for "Gold" tees is 107 minus your points. For "White" tees it's 108 minus your points. The 107 and 108 is derived by taking the par of the course (71 Gold and 72 White) plus 36 points. Hence, 71+36=107 and 72+36=108. The 36 points is par for all 18 holes.